Wednesday 31 August 2016

The e-PPR project reached the end of its journey with results impacting all Europe

Video summary of the project:

The execution of the e-PPR project has reached its end. For two years, since September 2014, the partners have been working on the development of four e-learning modules: one for primary school children, one for secondary school students, one for adults and one for professional disaster responders. 

Each e-learning module was tailored to the specific needs of its target group and covered the prevention, preparedness and response to four types of natural disasters: floods, storms, heat waves and wildfires.

The e-learning modules are available in six European languages (Danish, English, Estonian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Spanish) on the e-PPR e-learning platform which can be accessed for free at

Every user, teacher, trainer or education provider using the e-learning modules will be a positive step towards the education and training of the European population and the professional disaster responders on the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters. This will help mitigate the devastating consequences natural disasters can have on populations and communities.

The e-PPR project was led by Frederiksborg Fire & Rescue Service from Denmark in collaboration with National College “Vasile Goldis” (Romania), Lohusuu School (Estonia), Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (United Kingdom), Vilnius County Fire and Rescue Board (Lithuania) and the City Council of Alcalá de Guadaíra (Spain). The project was co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme.